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After a career of 15 years in the military service, I chose to do what I like best, working with natural leather.

I'm Liviu and 6 years ago the passion to make handmade products started with a so-called survival bracelet woven after a few tutorials on you tube.

Working with leather started 3 years ago when I made the first leather portkey, cut and sewn by hand.

I got some tools for working leather, I *stole* a piece of leather from my mother (a shoemaker by profession) I needed a portkey and I made one. Outraged by the quality of existing leather products in the trade and the abundance of imports of such poor quality products, I set out to produce men's wallets and accessories.

I started drawing them myself, according to my vision and need, and after two years of presenting them through social networks, I can say that my need is also that of the more than 2500 customers who appreciated and appreciate my products. This is how FilippAtelier was born, a project for handcrafted leather goods.

After countless late nights hunched over my desk, I pursued one goal:

to develop another side with a real minus in the Romanian market, namely, the production of natural leather items ( wallets, card holders, trouser belts, watch straps, key chains, knife sheaths, ladies' bags, etc.), made by handcraft (the technique of making combined manufacturing products, both manually and with the help of machines) and all customized according to the customers' taste and desire.

We currently produce on a small scale, both for en-retail sale and in small series of products, such as: wallets, card holders, trouser belts, watch belts, key rings, knife sheaths, ladies' purses.

Every day I am lucky to be in my workshop doing what I love.